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                CHINA DREAM·YUDE DREAM

                中国梦. 裕德梦


                “中国质量诚信企Ψ 业”与
                2013年,被授予“海宁市工业企业管理创新示范单位”与“科技ζ 管理创新先进企业”的称号;

                In 2008, Haining Federation of Trade Unions awarded Zhejiang Yude Garment Co., Ltd. “Advanced Unit of Occupational Ethics Construction”; In 2009, the company was awarded “Enterprise of Harmonious Labor Relations” and “Enterprise Making the Greatest Contribution” by People’s Government of Xieqiao Town, Haining.
                From 2009 to 2013, the company was awarded in succession “Advanced Enterprise” and “Enterprise of the Largest Scale” by People’s Government of Xieqiao Town, Haining. In 2009, the company was awarded “Advanced Enterprise of Fastest Growth” by People’s Government of Xieqiao Town, Haining.
                From 2001 to 2013, the company was awarded in succession Class AAA Enterprise of Annual Enterprise Credit Rating. The company was awarded “2012 Advanced Unit of Safety Production” and “2013 Advanced Unit of Firefighting” In 2013, the company was awarded advanced unit in establishing Haining “entrepreneurial and innovative, vibrant and harmonious” enterprises.
                In 2013, Zhejiang Yude Garment Co., Ltd. was awarded “China Enterprise of Quality Integrity” and “Export Industrial Products Sort Management – Class I Product” by China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. In 2013, the company was awarded “Model Unit of Haining Industrial Enterprise Management Innovation” and “Advanced Unit of Scientific and Technological Management Innovation”. In 2013, the company was awarded “Model Enterprise of Haining Deeply Integration of Informatization and Industrialization”.
                From 2009 to 2013, Chairman of the company Lady Chen Juanhua was awarded in succession “Outstanding Entrepreneur” by People’s Government of Xieqiao Town, Haining in 5 years, and in 2013, she was awarded “Haining Top 10 Women Entrepreneurs” by the Women’s Federation of Haining.